This is the perfect stop if you're looking for anything that is used to smoke or if you are interested in some miscellaneous items that will make the experience altogether better!


We have an assortment of glassware for anything you're smoking. Whether you need something for flower or wax, we have everything from chillums to rigs.


Make smoking easier and better quality with our smoking accessories like carb caps, wax picks and more. Did your flower bowl, banger, or down stem break? Don't worry, we have those pieces too!


Be sure to check out our wide range of devices for cartridges, wax, or flower. We also carry coils and mouthpieces for the selected brands and devices we sell.

Grinders and Rolling Trays

When you're buying flower, don't forget to get one of our many rolling trays and grinders. We have many different colors and designs for our trays and grinders. Whether you need something small or something for a bigger job, we got you covered.


We have wraps and cones for any kind of experience you want from smoking. We have a variety of hemp wraps for blunts and papers for joints.


Don't forget to check out all the other goodies we have for a CBD lifestyle. We have cleaning solutions, smell-proof cases, smoke buddies to filter smoke smells, and more!